Thursday, April 1, 2010


today is a special day.
it's April Fools!
but more imprtantly...

Happy Birthday Eric Kokkola :]

to the other maybe three people that read this, you should check out his blog here.
amazing way with words
comical stories
and best of all, incredible taste in music.
i listen to as much of what he mentions as i can get my hands on.
check it fo sho.

in other news:

- acting class performance FINALLY OVER!
- research paper finished and ready to be turned in
- brain ready to explode from mixed emotions/ stress

Dear minivan,
get excited, because your favorite driver will be home in nine days. she cannot wait to get behind your steering wheel and to be ready to back out of the driveway for the first ride of the summer. she anxiously awaits the moment that she can turn the key, blast the radio, roll down the windows, and most of all be rekindle that special bond you two have.

it will be a special day.

1 comment:

Electric Otter said...

I LOVE that you gave me a shoutout. shout out? two words? who knew... But, as it is April Fools, someone hacked my Facebook and changed my birth date! My birthday is August 16th. Far off. But thank you for your kind words!