Sunday, April 4, 2010


question: have you ever realized how incredibly thin each layer of your skin is?
when a sunburn peels off, it departs in slices that put every deli-meat slicing master to shame.
thin enough that when held between two fingers it is almost possible to still feel the grooves on your fingertips through the teeny tiny layer of skin.
we're talking thin like the amount of ice my roommate is treading on with my temper.

thinner than a popped balloon.
it's really thin okay!

today i peeled a LITERAL millimeter thick piece of skin off the bottom of my foot.
turns out that when the material is something is as thin as human skin, a millimeter is quite a substantial amount.



Dear Bottom-of-your-foot-blisters,
it's so nice to welcome you to your new and well-earned place on the list of things Erin really really hates. Thank you so much for your efforts at being noticed. They have indeed succeeded.

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