Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I love discovering new music.
Have you ever noticed the impact music can have?
It's a curious thing, words and notes being put together. Funny how such a simple concept can bring about such miraculous results.

One of my favorite things is when you have a certain feeling that you can't quite describe or put into words. Sure you can generalize it and encase it into a single adjective that doesn't quite encapsulate what really flows through you, but who wants that?
Well, my favorite thing is when you have a feeling that you can't express or even figure out by yourself and then one day, you're listening to Pandora.com and a song you've never heard comes on and suddenly you find that someone else has already found the perfect and precise way to combine ups and downs of melody with touching and expository lyrics to describe what you feel.

I distinctly remember the day I first heard "You Be the Anchor That Keeps My Feet on the Ground, I'll Be the Wings That Keep Your Heart in the Sky" [Mayday Parade], and it completely embodied how I felt about Matt's death and having to wait by the phone for any updates on how Caitlin was doing... for some reason it seemed to exactly describe my individual situation within the whole catastrophe of my best friend's passing.
something in my brain just clicked like a K'Nex set.

It happened again when I heard "Gone Away" [Lucy Schwartz], this summer after the insane drama the ensued while I was home. My emotions about the whole drawn-out fiasco were so random and all over the place that I legitimately went a little bit crazy. Too much in my life changed this summer and that song helped me understand my reaction to it better.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me so in love with music.
Want my respect?
have an ipod full of genuine, real, meaningful music.
or better, write your own songs and show me your soul.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

"here by the ocean just waiting for proof that there's sunsets and silhouette dreams"
[good band. great song.]

Here are some things you may not know about me:

I really love carrots.
Riding a bike makes me feel like I'm in the movie Now & Then and I love it.
If I had to pick one thing I'm the most grateful for, it's that I spent half of my life so far living overseas.
I am a firm believer that you have to question things to find answers.
I do not like to take a stance on the majority of political issues, and voting isn't my thing.
I want to learn to play the harmonica, and be better at the piano.

just some fun facts for you.

Friday, July 23, 2010

back and forth.

being in college makes me extremely frustrated.

I like spontaneity and all, but generally speaking, my day-to-day requires consistency.
so the whole:
hawaii three months
maryland two weeks
hawaii three months
maryland three months
hawaii five months

yeah, that thing, I'm not a huge fan.
the full day of travel time each way doesn't help either.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm the first to admit,

I do not handle things well.
Stress stays inside me. It feeds and festers and overwhelms.
Anxiety, you are my closest friend. Whether I beg you to come by or you show up at my door unannounced, it's good to know you'll be here for a nice long visit.

I do not like:

oh, and you. it's about time you got out of my life.
wouldn't you agree?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


you have it, or you don't.
do I? who knows.

you don't.

go ahead and say what you like. you're more disposable from my life than you could ever imagine. I sincerely hope you didn't fool yourself into thinking I care about any of this or about you.

three years is a long time, and who knows, it may turn into a lifelong circumstance.

with everything in me, I certainly hope so.