Friday, September 3, 2010


I really hope a lot more people come for fall.
and I hope a large portion of them are NOT freshman.

I want to make more friends.
I want to make more memories.
I want to do more exciting things.
is that weird?

that I want these things that will only make it harder for me to leave in december?

I still want them though.
really badly.

things I want from my last three months in Hawaii:
reaffirmation that I'm making the right decision.
memories with my closest friends.
solidifying my friendships here so that I won't lose them.
to enjoy every bit of being here.
to realize that being here is still an adventure and not a routine.
to appreciate the gift I was given when Heavenly Father pretty much singled out this campus as my only option.
to understand that this will be one of the most incredible experiences I will ever have.

my indecision is getting extremely old.
literally every single day someone seems to be able to talk me into deciding the other option.

tonight one person put it like this:
"oh man, is Provo calling?"

that sentence horrified me.


Juniper said...

Not that you need another opinion, by any means... But as much as I hated Provo when I went to BYUH, I have grown to love almost every aspect of it. Plus you can have an incredible host, such as myself, that can point out every hidden gem that seems to be masked from the average BYU student. Just a thought.

brea said...

why does oklahoma even cross your brain. i considered utah a week ago...provo CALLS to all of us ughh. BUT not to go to byu. ha.

Ashleigh said...

I would say Provo = not Erin but for some reason i think, given the right (read: colored lol - whether in heart or skin) friends you would have a blast!

But I would miss you so you shouldn't go.