Sunday, March 6, 2011


I have been unbelievably anxious this semester. so many things are just crazy. classes aren't going well, they're so much more hectic than expected. the play took up all of my saturdays, no beach adventures this semester. and also I'm freaking out about getting ready for my mission.

but today I feel at peace.

I talked to my mom on the phone for a long time and vented and hyperventilated to her a little. she helped me come to a definite decision about how to handle the next three months and what I'm doing with my time. school, work, hawaii, home, etc.

things are good. I feel good. optimistic even.
I think the biggest obstacle was coming to terms with making such a big change.

but I am looking forward, and looking ahead. I finally feel completely at peace with the decision I've made.

6 weeks :]

1 comment:

Nieves said...

Stopping by to say you have a blog award waiting at
