Sunday, June 14, 2009


oh facebook chat, i hate you. i really do.
every time i get on facebook i make the unwise choice of deciding to look and see who's online. this is done with the intention of just a quick glance to see if there is anyone of enormous interest for me to talk to, which is highly unlikely. i don't enjoy using this stupid chat so i don't really understand why i go online at all in the first place. but this habit isn't the problem, the problem is that every time i do sign on for just a quick second, i will be moving toward going offline when some random person starts talking to me. meaning people i never make contact with over the phone let alone even in person. it is always so awkward and uncomfortable.
curse you facebook chat! i cant stop signing on!

on the bright side, i started my job last week and although it is extremely tiring, it pays well, its simple, and the people are pretty enjoyable.

and on the extra bright side, i went shopping with mom yesterday and bought happy things from american eagle.

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

ERIN!!! You have a blog? I'm so excited!!

Ps, Love the randomness about foot temperature. :]